Fay and Cyril get married and on their first night in bed, Cyril puts his arm around Fay and very sweetly whispers, “Fay darling, please pull up your nightgown.”

Very sweetly Fay answers, “Nooo.”

Cyril asks again, a little sterner, “Fay pull up your nightgown.”

Fay again says, “No.”

Cyril is now angry and says, “Fay, pull up your nightgown or I’m going out the door and you’ll never see me again.”

“No.” says Fay.

So Cyril gets up and goes out the front door, slamming it behind him. Fay immediately gets up and locks the door.

Not too long after, Cyril is back. He tries the front door but finds it locked. So he taps on the door and says, “Fay, my darling, open the door, it’s me.”

Fay says, “Nooo.”

Cyril knocks a little louder, “Fay, sweetness, please open the door.”

“No.” says Fay.

Cyril starts kicking the door and shouts, “Fay, open this door right now or I’ll break it down.”

Fay says, “Really? A door you can break down, but a nightgown you can’t pull up?”

The strong man


  • 1864
  • September 20, 2017
  • Jokes

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