Aries: Something fast… and red!

Taurus: A volvo

Gemini: Car? you mean two cars.

Cancer: A family car

Leo: A limo.. with a chauffeur

Virgo: An economic car. Virgo will have it clean and neat and ready to drive everyone everywhere.

Libra: Will not be able to make a choice and will end up riding with friends.

Scoprio: something in a dark color.. fumed windows. No one will know what it looks like inside

Sagiattrius: What car? The Sag is on a plane right now.

Capricorn: A mercedes benz..

Aquarius: The waterbearer takes buses and subways. Cars are for snobby people.

Pisces: Doesn’t matter. Pisces will always be too stoned to remember the partking spot.


Cars and zodiac signs: What would the signs drive?


  • 1418
  • September 22, 2017
  • Jokes

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